Dirify Function in Javascript


Was messing around with JavaScript and jQuery and needed a dirify function… found one in the Movable Type core JavaScript file. Thought I’d post it here for the value of all vis-à-vis Google as the first results weren’t as useful as I hope this is.

And I added two features to the default code in MT:

  1. I like to use ampersands in my titles because they look spiffy, so I added ampersands to the dirify_table such that “&” is now dirified to “and”.

    dirify("Me & Ed's Pizza");
    // result: me_and_eds_pizza
  2. Sometimes you want dashes instead of underscores. This dirify function takes a second parameter that is the default separator.

    dirify("What the Duck?", "-");
    // result: what-the-duck


Place these examples in html <body>:

<script type="text/javascript">
var foo = "You & Me";
var bar = dirify(foo);
document.write('"' + foo + '" dirified is "' + bar + '"');

document.write('<br />');

// dirify on on one line
document.write(dirify("Me & Ed's Pizza"));

document.write('<br />');

// Use a dash
document.write(dirify("¿Is Open-Source is the bomb'd?", "-"));

Dirify Code

Place the dirify function and the dirify_table in the <head> of the html page… or in the referenced JavaScript file:

<script type="text/javascript">
function dirify (s,d) {
    if (!d)
        d = "_";
    s = s.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '');
    for (var p in dirify_table)
        if (s.indexOf(p) != -1)
            s = s.replace(new RegExp(p, "g"), dirify_table[p]);
    s = s.toLowerCase();
    s = s.replace(/&[^;\s]+;/g, '');
    s = s.replace(/[^-a-z0-9_ ]/g, '');
    s = s.replace(/\s+/g, '_');
    s = s.replace(/_+$/, '');
    s = s.replace(/_+/g, d);
    return s;
var dirify_table = {
    "\u0026": 'and',  // ampersand
    "\u00C0": 'A',    // A`
    "\u00E0": 'a',    // a`
    "\u00C1": 'A',    // A'
    "\u00E1": 'a',    // a'
    "\u00C2": 'A',    // A^
    "\u00E2": 'a',    // a^
    "\u0102": 'A',    // latin capital letter a with breve
    "\u0103": 'a',    // latin small letter a with breve
    "\u00C6": 'AE',   // latin capital letter AE
    "\u00E6": 'ae',   // latin small letter ae
    "\u00C5": 'A',    // latin capital letter a with ring above
    "\u00E5": 'a',    // latin small letter a with ring above
    "\u0100": 'A',    // latin capital letter a with macron
    "\u0101": 'a',    // latin small letter a with macron
    "\u0104": 'A',    // latin capital letter a with ogonek
    "\u0105": 'a',    // latin small letter a with ogonek
    "\u00C4": 'A',    // A:
    "\u00E4": 'a',    // a:
    "\u00C3": 'A',    // A~
    "\u00E3": 'a',    // a~
    "\u00C8": 'E',    // E`
    "\u00E8": 'e',    // e`
    "\u00C9": 'E',    // E'
    "\u00E9": 'e',    // e'
    "\u00CA": 'E',    // E^
    "\u00EA": 'e',    // e^
    "\u00CB": 'E',    // E:
    "\u00EB": 'e',    // e:
    "\u0112": 'E',    // latin capital letter e with macron
    "\u0113": 'e',    // latin small letter e with macron
    "\u0118": 'E',    // latin capital letter e with ogonek
    "\u0119": 'e',    // latin small letter e with ogonek
    "\u011A": 'E',    // latin capital letter e with caron
    "\u011B": 'e',    // latin small letter e with caron
    "\u0114": 'E',    // latin capital letter e with breve
    "\u0115": 'e',    // latin small letter e with breve
    "\u0116": 'E',    // latin capital letter e with dot above
    "\u0117": 'e',    // latin small letter e with dot above
    "\u00CC": 'I',    // I`
    "\u00EC": 'i',    // i`
    "\u00CD": 'I',    // I'
    "\u00ED": 'i',    // i'
    "\u00CE": 'I',    // I^
    "\u00EE": 'i',    // i^
    "\u00CF": 'I',    // I:
    "\u00EF": 'i',    // i:
    "\u012A": 'I',    // latin capital letter i with macron
    "\u012B": 'i',    // latin small letter i with macron
    "\u0128": 'I',    // latin capital letter i with tilde
    "\u0129": 'i',    // latin small letter i with tilde
    "\u012C": 'I',    // latin capital letter i with breve
    "\u012D": 'i',    // latin small letter i with breve
    "\u012E": 'I',    // latin capital letter i with ogonek
    "\u012F": 'i',    // latin small letter i with ogonek
    "\u0130": 'I',    // latin capital letter with dot above
    "\u0131": 'i',    // latin small letter dotless i
    "\u0132": 'IJ',   // latin capital ligature ij
    "\u0133": 'ij',   // latin small ligature ij
    "\u0134": 'J',    // latin capital letter j with circumflex
    "\u0135": 'j',    // latin small letter j with circumflex
    "\u0136": 'K',    // latin capital letter k with cedilla
    "\u0137": 'k',    // latin small letter k with cedilla
    "\u0138": 'k',    // latin small letter kra
    "\u0141": 'L',    // latin capital letter l with stroke
    "\u0142": 'l',    // latin small letter l with stroke
    "\u013D": 'L',    // latin capital letter l with caron
    "\u013E": 'l',    // latin small letter l with caron
    "\u0139": 'L',    // latin capital letter l with acute
    "\u013A": 'l',    // latin small letter l with acute
    "\u013B": 'L',    // latin capital letter l with cedilla
    "\u013C": 'l',    // latin small letter l with cedilla
    "\u013F": 'l',    // latin capital letter l with middle dot
    "\u0140": 'l',    // latin small letter l with middle dot
    "\u00D2": 'O',    // O`
    "\u00F2": 'o',    // o`
    "\u00D3": 'O',    // O'
    "\u00F3": 'o',    // o'
    "\u00D4": 'O',    // O^
    "\u00F4": 'o',    // o^
    "\u00D6": 'O',    // O:
    "\u00F6": 'o',    // o:
    "\u00D5": 'O',    // O~
    "\u00F5": 'o',    // o~
    "\u00D8": 'O',    // O/
    "\u00F8": 'o',    // o/
    "\u014C": 'O',    // latin capital letter o with macron
    "\u014D": 'o',    // latin small letter o with macron
    "\u0150": 'O',    // latin capital letter o with double acute
    "\u0151": 'o',    // latin small letter o with double acute
    "\u014E": 'O',    // latin capital letter o with breve
    "\u014F": 'o',    // latin small letter o with breve
    "\u0152": 'OE',   // latin capital ligature oe
    "\u0153": 'oe',   // latin small ligature oe
    "\u0154": 'R',    // latin capital letter r with acute
    "\u0155": 'r',    // latin small letter r with acute
    "\u0158": 'R',    // latin capital letter r with caron
    "\u0159": 'r',    // latin small letter r with caron
    "\u0156": 'R',    // latin capital letter r with cedilla
    "\u0157": 'r',    // latin small letter r with cedilla
    "\u00D9": 'U',    // U`
    "\u00F9": 'u',    // u`
    "\u00DA": 'U',    // U'
    "\u00FA": 'u',    // u'
    "\u00DB": 'U',    // U^
    "\u00FB": 'u',    // u^
    "\u00DC": 'U',    // U:
    "\u00FC": 'u',    // u:
    "\u016A": 'U',    // latin capital letter u with macron
    "\u016B": 'u',    // latin small letter u with macron
    "\u016E": 'U',    // latin capital letter u with ring above
    "\u016F": 'u',    // latin small letter u with ring above
    "\u0170": 'U',    // latin capital letter u with double acute
    "\u0171": 'u',    // latin small letter u with double acute
    "\u016C": 'U',    // latin capital letter u with breve
    "\u016D": 'u',    // latin small letter u with breve
    "\u0168": 'U',    // latin capital letter u with tilde
    "\u0169": 'u',    // latin small letter u with tilde
    "\u0172": 'U',    // latin capital letter u with ogonek
    "\u0173": 'u',    // latin small letter u with ogonek
    "\u00C7": 'C',    // ,C
    "\u00E7": 'c',    // ,c
    "\u0106": 'C',    // latin capital letter c with acute
    "\u0107": 'c',    // latin small letter c with acute
    "\u010C": 'C',    // latin capital letter c with caron
    "\u010D": 'c',    // latin small letter c with caron
    "\u0108": 'C',    // latin capital letter c with circumflex
    "\u0109": 'c',    // latin small letter c with circumflex
    "\u010A": 'C',    // latin capital letter c with dot above
    "\u010B": 'c',    // latin small letter c with dot above
    "\u010E": 'D',    // latin capital letter d with caron
    "\u010F": 'd',    // latin small letter d with caron
    "\u0110": 'D',    // latin capital letter d with stroke
    "\u0111": 'd',    // latin small letter d with stroke
    "\u00D1": 'N',    // N~
    "\u00F1": 'n',    // n~
    "\u0143": 'N',    // latin capital letter n with acute
    "\u0144": 'n',    // latin small letter n with acute
    "\u0147": 'N',    // latin capital letter n with caron
    "\u0148": 'n',    // latin small letter n with caron
    "\u0145": 'N',    // latin capital letter n with cedilla
    "\u0146": 'n',    // latin small letter n with cedilla
    "\u0149": 'n',    // latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe
    "\u014A": 'N',    // latin capital letter eng
    "\u014B": 'n',    // latin small letter eng
    "\u00DF": 'ss',   // double-s
    "\u015A": 'S',    // latin capital letter s with acute
    "\u015B": 's',    // latin small letter s with acute
    "\u0160": 'S',    // latin capital letter s with caron
    "\u0161": 's',    // latin small letter s with caron
    "\u015E": 'S',    // latin capital letter s with cedilla
    "\u015F": 's',    // latin small letter s with cedilla
    "\u015C": 'S',    // latin capital letter s with circumflex
    "\u015D": 's',    // latin small letter s with circumflex
    "\u0218": 'S',    // latin capital letter s with comma below
    "\u0219": 's',    // latin small letter s with comma below
    "\u0164": 'T',    // latin capital letter t with caron
    "\u0165": 't',    // latin small letter t with caron
    "\u0162": 'T',    // latin capital letter t with cedilla
    "\u0163": 't',    // latin small letter t with cedilla
    "\u0166": 'T',    // latin capital letter t with stroke
    "\u0167": 't',    // latin small letter t with stroke
    "\u021A": 'T',    // latin capital letter t with comma below
    "\u021B": 't',    // latin small letter t with comma below
    "\u0192": 'f',    // latin small letter f with hook
    "\u011C": 'G',    // latin capital letter g with circumflex
    "\u011D": 'g',    // latin small letter g with circumflex
    "\u011E": 'G',    // latin capital letter g with breve
    "\u011F": 'g',    // latin small letter g with breve
    "\u0120": 'G',    // latin capital letter g with dot above
    "\u0121": 'g',    // latin small letter g with dot above
    "\u0122": 'G',    // latin capital letter g with cedilla
    "\u0123": 'g',    // latin small letter g with cedilla
    "\u0124": 'H',    // latin capital letter h with circumflex
    "\u0125": 'h',    // latin small letter h with circumflex
    "\u0126": 'H',    // latin capital letter h with stroke
    "\u0127": 'h',    // latin small letter h with stroke
    "\u0174": 'W',    // latin capital letter w with circumflex
    "\u0175": 'w',    // latin small letter w with circumflex
    "\u00DD": 'Y',    // latin capital letter y with acute
    "\u00FD": 'y',    // latin small letter y with acute
    "\u0178": 'Y',    // latin capital letter y with diaeresis
    "\u00FF": 'y',    // latin small letter y with diaeresis
    "\u0176": 'Y',    // latin capital letter y with circumflex
    "\u0177": 'y',    // latin small letter y with circumflex
    "\u017D": 'Z',    // latin capital letter z with caron
    "\u017E": 'z',    // latin small letter z with caron
    "\u017B": 'Z',    // latin capital letter z with dot above
    "\u017C": 'z',    // latin small letter z with dot above
    "\u0179": 'Z',    // latin capital letter z with acute
    "\u017A": 'z'     // latin small letter z with acute


I have been poking around to find something similar to template tag modifiers for javascript and found this article. Thanks for the post!

A zillion thanks for this !

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