This script looks for all MT tags (in any supported format) and replaces them using the following standard:
- lowercase prefix with a colon:
- CamelCase tag name
- dollar signs wrapping function tags
- slash for all closing block tags
If an unknown tag is found the tag will be modified:
- lowercase prefix with a colon “mt:”
- a closing forward slash if the tag had one
- and a
comment added as a suffix:<!-- unknown tag -->
If you had a bunch of code in various different formats (and even some imaginary tags) such as this:
It would be converted to:
<mt:FakeTagHere><!-- unknown tag -->
Please note:
- This is not a Movable Type plugin, it is a command line tool to “tidy” template tags in text files.
- With simple modification, this script will work with future releases of Movable Type as well as with template tags created by plugins. All that is required is to add the additional template tags to the script under function or block, respectively. If not added
Many files w/ back up
perl -pi.orig MTTidyTags.pl *.mtml
Single file w/ back up
perl -pi.orig MTTidyTags.pl file.mtml
Overwrite file
perl -pi MTTidyTags.pl file.mtml
- MTTidyTags_v1.6.zip - 2008 Jun 19
- MTTidyTags_v1.5.zip - 2008 Jun 19
- MTTidyTags_v1.4.zip - 2008 Jun 18
- MTTidyTags_v1.3.zip - 2008 Jun 12
- Known Issues - adds an extra “$” to the end of
<__trans phrase="Phrase">
tags. This should only effect templates that are translated when added to blog.
- Known Issues - adds an extra “$” to the end of
- MTTidyTags_v1.2.zip - 2008 Jun 09
- MTTidyTags_v1.0.zip - 2008 May 28
Revision History
- v1.6 - 2008 Jun 19
- Adding Tags from MT Community Solution and MT Professional Pack
- v1.5 - 2008 Jun 19
- Added code (uncommented by default) for using script as TextMate command.
- v1.4 - 2008 Jun 18
- Fixed issue with adding an extra “$” to the end of `<__trans phrase="Phrase">` tags.
- v1.3 - 2008 Jun 12
- Fixed issue with script not converting some tags containing attributes using code ported from TypePad
- v1.2 - 2008 Jun 09
- Added case for non-core/unknown tags
- v1.0 - 2008 May 28
- Initial Release
- Compatible with Movable Type 4.15 and older
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I’ve wanted this forever, thanks Beau (I’d been forced to convert mine using Brad’s old script, one-by-one!)
I hope to see it as a plugin form in the future - something that populates an itemset action on the template listing so I can just check templates I would like to normalize :)
@arvind - thx, good call, I should convert this to a “more items…” menu item. Perhaps during an upcoming hack-a-thon.
If you have tags that are not listed in the script, the tags will be replaced with “”, less than ideal. Thinking of updating the script to ignore tags it’s not aware of and/or to place a html comment (<!— Unknown Tag —>) after the tag.
@arvind » actually I forgot that the plugin you seek already exists, Tim Appnel’s MTTidy which does the same thing.
I wanted a way to “tidy” the templates w/o needing to use Movable Type, thus this script was conceived.
I’ve been doing this exact stuff by hand quite a bit with my templates recently. Thanks so much for putting this script together! :)