
About this site

The personal website of Beau Smith: Adventure seeker, designer, coder, culinary craftsman, athlete, lover.

Movable Type Plugins

  • Heading Anchors - Provides a template tag modifier to update all html headings with an id and anchor linking to the id.
  • ProCommunity - Three new template sets merging the best of the Community Blog, Community Forum, and the Professional template sets.
  • EntrySetBasename - A utility plugin to assist in setting entry basenames to the value of the dirified entry title.
  • Vanilla - A quiver of template sets focusing on specific features in Movable Type
  • Ghostwriter - Assign credit and get thanks for your assistance. A plugin for selecting Author on Edit Entry/Page screen.
  • TidyTags - A perl script to normalize Movable Type template tags
  • DashOff - Dashboard widget with links to get you where you want quickly.